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Tried everything and want to give up?

That sinking feeling. I know. When you have done everything you can possibly think of to get unstuck, but feeling is still there. Give this a shot. Start writing this following statement until you're green in your face. I know you might not want to do. But give it a try. (I wrote the following, I didn't copy/paste) Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening  Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening Something wonderful is always on the verge of...

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Brush your teeth?

One of my dear mentors always said: brush your teeth. I remember thinking, seriously? But honestly, sometimes it's all it takes to create some momentum (and sometimes it takes more). But do me a favor, walk over to that sink and just brush your teeth right now. Need some entertainment while you brush? Thank you for taking one small step.  Watch the clip below:

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